[Bog and Rein Orchids East of the Cascade Mts. of Oregon and Washington]

Slender Bog Orchid

Platanthera stricta

Synonyms: Habenaria hyperborea var. viridiflora, Habenaria saccata, Habenaria stricta, Limnorchis saccata, Limnorchis stricta, Limnorchis viridiflora, Platanthera convallariifolia, Platanthera dilatata var. gracilis, Platanthera hyperborea var. viridiflora, Platanthera saccata

Flower of Slender Bog Orchid: Platanthera stricta (Synonyms: Habenaria hyperborea var. viridiflora, Habenaria saccata, Habenaria stricta, Limnorchis saccata, Limnorchis stricta, Limnorchis viridiflora, Platanthera convallariifolia, Platanthera dilatata var. gracilis, Platanthera hyperborea var. viridiflora, Platanthera saccata)

The photo above shows a close-up of the flower of slender bog orchid. The double-pouched, sac-like spur which is shorter than the lower lip is visible beneath the flower below the lateral sepal. Photographed along the Umatilla Rim Trail #3080 near Tollgate in the Umatilla N.F.........June 24, 2007.


Slender coral root is a small flowered orchid of very moist places. The plant is yellowish-green to green in color. The stems measure from 30-100 cm high. The lower leaves surround or sheath the stem, while the middle stem leaves are larger, parrallel-veined, of elliptic or rounded/obtuse shape. These maybe 30 to 100 mm long and about 10 to 30 mm wide. The uppermost leaves are reduced in size, and tend to be narrower or linear-lanceolate in shape.

The inflorescence consists of an open, few-flowered raceme from 10-30 cm long. Conspicuous bracts may be found subtending each flower within the raceme. The flowers are green and somewhat fragrant. The upper sepal is broadly ovate and somewhat hooded, to 5 mm long. The lower sepals are 5 to 6 mm long and broadly lanceolate in shape. The petals are fleshy and about the size of the upper sepal. The lower lip forms a scrotiform spur which is about one-half to two-thirds as long as the lip.


Slender bog orchid is found in boggy or very moist places such as springs, wet meadows, and roadside ditches.


Slender bog orchid is found from Alaska south to Alberta, then further south to northwestern New Mexico and westward to the Pacific Northwest and northern California.

Flower of Slender Bog Orchid: Platanthera stricta (Synonyms: Habenaria hyperborea var. viridiflora, Habenaria saccata, Habenaria stricta, Limnorchis saccata, Limnorchis stricta, Limnorchis viridiflora, Platanthera convallariifolia, Platanthera dilatata var. gracilis, Platanthera hyperborea var. viridiflora, Platanthera saccata)

Slender bog orchid observed in bloom along the Lick Creek Trail #1809 at the crossing of Lick Creek, Hells Canyon National Recreation Area......July 17, 2019.

Flower of Slender Bog Orchid: Platanthera stricta (Synonyms: Habenaria hyperborea var. viridiflora, Habenaria saccata, Habenaria stricta, Limnorchis saccata, Limnorchis stricta, Limnorchis viridiflora, Platanthera convallariifolia, Platanthera dilatata var. gracilis, Platanthera hyperborea var. viridiflora, Platanthera saccata)

The photo above shows a close-up of the flower of slender bog orchid. Note the double-pouched, sac-like spur which is shorter than the lower lip.

Saccate spur of Slender Bog Orchid: Platanthera stricta (Synonyms: Habenaria hyperborea var. viridiflora, Habenaria saccata, Habenaria stricta, Limnorchis saccata, Limnorchis stricta, Limnorchis viridiflora, Platanthera convallariifolia, Platanthera dilatata var. gracilis, Platanthera hyperborea var. viridiflora, Platanthera saccata)

In the photo above, the lateral sepal has been removed so that the sac-like spur may be seen. Photographed along the Umatilla Rim Trail #3080 near Tollgate in the Umatilla N.F..........June 24, 2007.

Slender bog orchid: Platanthera stricta - Flowers of Slender Bog Orchid: Platanthera stricta (Synonyms: Habenaria hyperborea var. viridiflora, Habenaria saccata, Habenaria stricta, Limnorchis saccata, Limnorchis stricta, Limnorchis viridiflora, Platanthera convallariifolia, Platanthera dilatata var. gracilis, Platanthera hyperborea var. viridiflora, Platanthera saccata)

The photo at left shows slender bog orchid as seen in a riparian area along forest road #4030 on the eastern slopes of Mt. Misery in the Umatilla N.F. of southeastern Oregon.........July 7, 2008. The photo at right shows the flowers of slender bog orchid as seen along the Maxwell Lake Trail in wetlands about one mile downhill to the northeast of Maxwell Lake, Eagle Cap Wilderness.........August 3, 2016.

Flower of slender bog orchid: Platanthera stricta - Flowers of slender bog orchid: Platanthera stricta

These 2 photos show close-ups of the flowers of slender bog orchid as seen along forest road #4030 on the eastern slopes of Mt. Misery in the Umatilla N.F. of southeastern Oregon........July 7, 2008.

Paul Slichter