The Genus Zigadenus
Foothill Death Camas, Panicled Deathcamas, Panicled Death Camas, Panicled Death-camas, Panicled Zigadenus, Sand Corn: Toxicoscordion paniculatum (Synonyms: Helonias paniculatus, Zigadenus paniculatus) - Tepals less than 7 mm long. Inflorescence mostly paniculate, the stems of the lower branches longer than those near the top. Leaves generally shorter than the inflorescence. The stamens are longer than the tepals. Flowers of lower panicle branches functionally staminate, the upper usually functionally perfect. Glands broadly ovate. Ovary superior.
Common Death Camas, Deadly Zigadenus, Meadow Death Camas: Toxicoscordion venenosum (Synonyms: Toxicoscordion gramineum, Zigadenus gramineus, Zigadenus intermedius, Zigadenus venenosus, Zigadenus venenosus var. gramineus, Zigadenus venenosus var. venenosus) - Tepals less than 7 mm long. Inflorescence mostly racemose, ocasionally branched below, the stems of the lower branches about equal in length to those of the upper raceme. The stamens are about equal in length to the tepals. All flowers are functionally perfect. Glands broadly ovate. Ovary superior.