Large Shorebirds of the Pacific Northwest

Marbled Godwit

Limosa fedoa

Marbled Godwit from tide flats near Bar View Jetty Park, west of Garibaldi, OR..........early September, 1998.

Marbled Godwit from tide flats near Bar View Jetty Park, west of Garibaldi, OR..........early September, 1998.

Marbled Godwit from tide flats near Bar View Jetty Park, west of Garibaldi, OR..........early September, 1998.

Marbled Godwit from tide flats near Bar View Jetty Park, west of Garibaldi, OR..........early September, 1998.

Marbled Godwit from tide flats near Bar View Jetty Park, west of Garibaldi, OR..........early September, 1998.

Paul Slichter