[Pacific Northwest Birds]

Flycatchers, Kingbirds and Peewees of the Pacific Northwest

Eastern Kingbirds

Alder Flycatcher: Empidonax alnorum

Ash-throated Flycatcher: Myiarchus cinerascens

Black Phoebe: Sayornis nigricans

Cordilleran Flycatcher: Empidonax occidentalis

Dusky Flycatcher: Empidonax oberholseri

Eastern Kingbird: Tyrannus tyrannus

Gray Flycatcher: Empidonax wrightii

Hammond's Flycatcher: Empidonax hammondii

Least Flycatcher: Empidonax minimus

Olive-sided Flycatcher: Contopus cooperi

Pacific-slope Flycatcher: Empidonax difficilis

Says Phoebe: Sayornis saya

Western Kingbird: Tyrannus verticalis

Western Wood-Peewee: Contopus sordidulus

Willow Flycatcher: Empidonax traillii

Paul Slichter