[Butterflies of the Pacific Northwest]

Lorquin's Admiral

Limentitis lorquini

Lorquin's Admiral: Limentitis lorquini

Lorquin's admiral photographed on Populus tremuloides at Blue Sky, Hart Mt. National Antelope Refuge on July 5, 1996.

The Lorquin's Admiral is the most numerous admiral of the Pacific Northwest. It is a medium-sized butterfly which commonly is found along shaded streams in the west. The wing roots are black, with a series of white oval bands at midwing and burnt orange tips on the uppersides of its wings. The larva common fleed on the leaves of willow, aspen and cottonwood, and infrequently on apples and prunes.

Lorquin's Admiral is fairly common in the western United States, ranging from western Montana and Idaho on the east, southern British Columbia on the north and western Nevada and south central California on the south.

Paul Slichter