Burrobush, Bur-sages and Ragweeds: The Genus Ambrosia
Baccharis and Coyote Brush: The Genus Baccharis
Chaenactis, Dustymaidens and Pincushions: The Genus Chaenactis
Thistles: The Genus Cirsium
Chamomile and Pineapple Weeds: The Genus Matricaria
Desert Needles: The Genus Palafoxia
Desert Fir, Pygmycedar, Schott's Pygmycedar, Desert Pine: Peucephyllum schottii - A dicot shrub.
Turtlebacks: The Genus Psathyrotes
Cudweeds and Cotton Batting Plants: The Genus Pseudognaphalium
Yellow Head, Yellowdome, Yellowhead: Trichoptilium incisum