[Mountain and Desert Wildflowers of the American Southwest]

Grasses of the Mountains and Deserts of the American Southwest

Fluff Grass, Lowly Woollygrass: Dasyochloa pulchella (Synonyms: Erioneuron pulchellum, Tridens pulchella, Triodia pulchella)

Lowly Woolly Grass: Dasyochloa pulchella

Fluff Grass, Lowly Woollygrass: Dasyochloa pulchella (Synonyms: Erioneuron pulchellum, Tridens pulchella, Triodia pulchella)

Galleta Grass: The Genus Hilaria

African Fountain Grass, Crimson Fountain Grass, Fountaingrass: Pennisetum setaceum

Unidentified Grasses of the Desert Southwest - Can you help identify these grasses?......even to genus level is helpful!

Paul Slichter Mail