[The Plantain Family in the Mountains and Deserts of the American Southwest]

Speedwells of the Mountains and Deserts of the American Southwest

The Genus Veronica

Brightblue Speedwell, Thyme-leaved Speedwell: Veronica serpyllifolia ssp. humifusa (Synonyms: Veronica humifusa, Veronica serpyllifolia var. borealis, Veronica serpyllifolia var. humifusa, Veronica tenella, Veronicastrum serpyllifolium ssp. humifusum)

Brightblue Speedwell: Veronica serpyllifolia ssp. humifusa

Water Speedwell: Veronica anagallis-aquatica

Corn Speedwell, Speedwell: Veronica arvensis

Broad-fruit Speedwell, Chain Speedwell: Veronica catenata

Hairy Purslane Speedwell, Mexican Speedwell, Neckweed, Purslane Speedwell: Veronica peregrina ssp. xalapensis

Birdeye Speedwell, Bird's Eye SpeedwellPersian Speedwell: Veronica persica

Brightblue Speedwell, Bright Blue Speedwell, Sprawling Speedwell, Thyme-leaved Speedwell: Veronica serpyllifolia ssp. humifusa

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