[Wildflowers with Five Petals in the Desert Southwest of the United States]

The Phlox Family in the Mountains and Deserts of the American Southwest


Golden Linanthus: Leptosiphon aureus ssp. aureus (Synonym: Linanthus aureus ssp. aureus)

Golden linanthus (Leptosiphon aureus) as seen on sandy, wind swept flats at Harper Flat, Anza-Borrego Desert State Park.........March 27, 2011.

Gilias: The Genus Aliciella

Eriastrums and Woollystars: The Genus Eriastrum

Gilias: The Genus Gilia

Langloisias and Sunbonnets: The Genus Langloisia

Linanthus: The Genus Leptosiphon

Desert Calicos and Standing-cypress: The Genus Loeseliastrum

Phlox: The Genus Phlox

Paul Slichter Mail