[The Pea Family in the Southwestern Deserts of the United States]

Mesquite and Screwbeans of the Southwestern Deserts of the United States

The Genus Prosopis

Pods of Screw Bean, Screwbean Mesquite, Screw Bean Mesquite: Prosopis pubescens (Synonym: Strombocarpa odorata)

Screw Bean: Prosopis pubescens

Honey Mesquite, Mesquite, Western Honey Mesquite: Prosopis glandulosa var. torreyana (Synonym: Prosopis juliflora var. torreyana)

Screw Bean, Screwbean Mesquite, Screw Bean Mesquite: Prosopis pubescens (Synonym: Strombocarpa odorata)

Paul Slichter E-mail