[Daleas and Prairie Clovers: The Genus Dalea in the Mountains and Deserts of the American Southwest]

Featherplume, Feather Dalea, Limoncillo

Dalea formosa

Synonym: Parosela formosa

Featherplume, Feather Dalea, Limoncillo: Dalea formosa (Synonym: Parosela formosa)

Featherplume, Feather Dalea, Limoncillo: Dalea formosa (Synonym: Parosela formosa) - Featherplume, Feather Dalea, Limoncillo: Dalea formosa (Synonym: Parosela formosa)

Featherplume as seen along the Hiline Trail between Sedona, AZ and the Village of Oak Creek, AZ.........March 20, 2015.

Paul Slichter