[Wildflowers with Five Petals in the Desert Southwest of the United States]

The Heath Family in the Southwestern Deserts and Mountains of the United States


Leaves and flowers of Pointleaf Manzanita: Arctostaphylos pungens (Synonyms: Arctostaphylos chaloneorum, Arctostaphylos pseudopungens, Arctostaphylos pungens ssp. chaloneorum)

Pointleaf Manzanita: Arctostaphyos pungens

The following is a very short list of heath genera (to be updated later as time permits):

Manzanita and Kinnickinnick: The Genus Arctostaphylos

Princes Pines and Pipsissewas: The Genus Chimaphila

Pinedrops: The Genus Pterospora

Wintergreens and Pyrolas: The Genus Pyrola

Blueberries, Cranberries and Huckleberries: The Genus Vaccinium

Shrubs and Trees of the Heath Family

Paul Slichter Mail