[Wildflowers with Five Petals in the Desert Southwest of the United States]

The Gourd Family in the Mountains and Deserts of the American Southwest


unidentified gourd family member - unidentified gourd family member

unidentified gourd family member

An unidentified gourd family member (California manroot: Marah fabacea ?) found along Christmas Tree Pass Road about three-quarters of a mile north of Grapevine Canyon in the Spirit Mountains of Nevada...........Febraury 21, 2013. Can you help identify this species?

Desert Starvine, Desert Star Vine, Brandegea: Brandegea bigelovii (Synonym: Elaterium bigelovii)

Coyote Melon, Coyote Gourd: Cucurbita palmata (Synonym: Cucurbita californica)

Gila Manroot: Marah gilensis (Synonym: Megarrhiza gilensis)

Chilicothe: Marah macrocarpa (Synonyms: Marah guadalupensis; Marah macrocarpa var. macrocarpa; iMarah macrocarpa var. major; Marah macrocarpa var. micrantha; Marah macrocarpus var. major; Marah macrocarpus; Marah macrocarpus var. macrocarpus; Marah macrocarpus var. micranthus)

Paul Slichter E-mail