[Wildflowers with Five Petals in the Deserts and Mountains of the American Southwest]

The Parsley Family in the Deserts and Mountains of the American Southwest


MacDougal's Indian Parsley: Aletes macdougalii ssp. macdougalii (Synonyms: Cymopterus macdougalii, Oreoxis macdougalii)

MacDougal's Indian Parsley: Aletes macdougalii ssp. macdougalii

The following is a much abbreviated listing of genera of the desert parsley family found in the mountains and deserts of the american southwest:

Indian Parsleys: The Genus Aletes

Springparsleys: The Genus Cymopterus

Biscuitroots and Desert Parsleys: The Genus Lomatium

Umbrellaworts: The Genus Tauschia

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