[The Mustard Family in the Mountains and Deserts of the American Southwest]

Jewelflowers and Wild Cabbage of the Mountains and Deserts of the American Southwest

The Genus Caulanthus

Flower of Hall's Caulanthus, Hall's Wild Cabbage: Caulanthus hallii

Hall's wild cabbage: Caulanthus hallii

Cooper's Caulanthus, Cooper's Jewel Flower, Cooper's Wild Cabbage: Caulanthus cooperi

Hall's Caulanthus, Hall's Wild Cabbage: Caulanthus hallii

San Diego Wild Cabbage, Slender-pod Jewelflower: Caulanthus heterophyllus (Synonyms: Caulanthus heterophyllus var. heterophyllus, Caulanthus heterophyllus var. pseudosimulans, Caulanthus stenocarpus, Guillenia heterophylla, Streptanthus heterophyllus)

Payson's Caulanthus, Payson's Jewelflower: Caulanthus simulans

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